

Our institutional, academic and administrative functioning is geared towards enabling, supporting and encouraging our faculty members to undertake rigorous, transdisciplinary, and collaborative research. Over the past six years, JGU’s faculty members have collectively produced over 800 publications. These include research papers and articles published in national and international journals, edited and authored books, book chapters and several research reports, many of which have been in some of the world’s most prestigious journals and publishing houses.

Over 50% of these publications are international publications and over 50% are published in other journals. A mark of our success relates to JGU faculty research being increasingly referred to by scholars and practitioners around the world. JGU’s schools also produce several types of periodic publications in order to disseminate our research work to a wider public audience. These publications include faculty and student edited journals, briefs, and reports.

JSIA is a research driven School with 7 faculty members having published 8 singly authored books, 29 peer reviewed international and 3 national journal articles, and also contributing number of book chapters in the previous one year. The students are associated with 11 Research Centres within the school and also with the other schools of the university as per their respective areas of interest. JSIA students have authored a number of articles for national and international publications, presented papers in the national and international conferences, under the able guidance of the respective Research Centre Directors.

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